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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Writing a Book?

Writing a book? Thinking of writing a book is what I hear a lot of times from people. They have good ideas but don’t know where or how to start. When they ask me how do you start I tell them for me it’s easy.

            I take an idea and think about it and then I start to write. I let the characters tell there story through me. Now you’re wondering how do they tell me what to say? That’s the fun part. Once you have a couple of characters, give them names they begin to tell what they want you to say.

            The story line also tells you where they live, and the time period of is what shapes your story.  The first paragraph is the beginning of a book. Once you start your story it will fill in the rest.

            Take your time and don’t worry about whether it makes sense or not. When you go back after the first chapter you can change it to make it better or leave it if you like what you have written. But, don’t scrap it. Let someone else read what you wrote see what they think.

            Remember sometimes it change to make it go slower or it can be like a flash of light and take off at super speed. The point is writing can be fun and relaxing. Don’t think of it as a challenge but a way of expressing yourself.

            If you think you’ll never get done or if you think you have writers block? Stop thinking that way. Write one word, and others will come. If you write one page a day, just think of how many pages your manuscript will have in a year.


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