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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fathers' Day

Fathers Day, How do you celebrate your Father?

Maybe a BBQ? Maybe you take him out for Dinner, or Lunch.

However you celebrate the day remember the good times you have had with your father. Share some of your memories with him. Leave out the bad times like when he took the belt to your bottom. I’m sure he remembers those times as much as you do.

            What you don’t know is it hurt him as much as it did you. You may think that isn’t true but trust me, every lick of the strap and he felt it also.

            So whatever you do remember your father with love, tenderness and the knowledge he is smarter than you.

            This blog is a short one, I remember my father and miss him terribly. He’s passed on, but will never be forgotten. I hold him deep in my heart where he’ll always be.


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