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Sunday, June 30, 2019


Blogging can be fun. When you are a writer, blogging is one of part of the regular things you are expected to do. Although you can think of something to write about for your blog, it can be hard to find the time.

            I know some writers that write their blogs every day or three times a week. They also write a newsletter. Newsletters tell their fans what they are doing and keep them basically involved in what they are writing and can look forward to when its published.

            A lot of times writers put on their blog recipes they have tried and want your opinion after you try it yourself. Others write about the book they are reading in their spare time. Hoping you will also buy the book and then tell the blogger what did they think of the book.

            Having a reader join a book club, is where they all read the same book and learn more about the author. Some will tell they like the author or not. Learning about an author is one of the great things about being a fan. If they like you they will buy every one of the authors books. They will also tell others about how they liked the author and which books they have read written by that author.

            Yes, blogging can be fun and can be very instrumental in making the authors fan base larger than if they don’t do blogging. Yes blogging can be fun, instrumental and informative to an author.

            Like myself, I try to write my blog every Sunday before anyone gets up at my house. The house is quiet, and leaves plenty of time for me to think about what I’m going to write about. Although sometimes its hard to think of what I want to write about. Some of my writer friends it only takes a second for them to decide what they are going to write about and do it with ease.

            I hope if you read my blog you will send me a message to let me know you did take a look and if you read, make a comment about it.

            Well, that’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.


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