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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Chasing a Dream!

Chasing a Dream. As a writer of books or other fictional material we are in a sense chasing a dream that our novels will become a best seller and give us the notoriety that other writers have achieved.

            We are responsible for ourselves, our children and our husbands or wives. And if that isn’t enough to worry about we take on the roll of responsibility of our characters. We can kill them off at any time. We can shoot them, stab them or just make them lam. In our characters we have to create, mold, and give them a reason to exist. Make them the hero that people love or hate.

            We sit in front of our computers, keyboards with our fingers on the letters and try to figure out what they are going to say, how they are going to act, dress, and how they will move. Many times the characters tell us what they want to say, dress, and act. Whether it’s tough or gentle, caring, or callous.

            Much like our lives, we dream of better lives, having future, and we ourselves mold ourselves to be loving, trusting, giving, or just plain I don’t give a damn about you or anyone else. Having a big heart sometimes gets in the way of our good senses and causes us to be more trusting then our other senses tell us. That little voice tells us you’re in for a big fall when your dream goes up in smoke!

            Trouble is we still hold on to the dream of beings. To be able to give to our families, and to ourselves.  Dreaming isn’t a bad thing, we just have to keep dreaming, giving, and trusting. That’s who we are and that’s okay. Listening to that little voice can save us from heartache if we listen and keep us out of trouble. Having a big heart isn’t all bad. It makes us who we are and that gives us a glow that others will see.

            As for me, yes I have dreams and hopes. I wouldn’t want to have a cold heart and never caring about anything or anyone. Those types of people are miserable, angry at the world and they say they have ice water running through their veins. Those are the people who strip us of our pride, our dreams and give us doubts, fears, and make our hearts ache.

            So it’s up to you, to have a great life, or a miserable one.

                                                May God Bless!


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