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Saturday, September 26, 2020


Have you ever had a bad day? That just didn't seem to go away? Day after Day it just continues to plague you! They say we make our own luck, whether its bland or rich. I wish for the later, rich! There are so many things you can do if you're rich. That's one thing I wouldn't do is throw away anyof it. With bills stacking up and more coming in evry day. Monthly receipt going down and less money coming in which really hurts. So if we make our own luck, I must be holding my mouth wrong for my luch seems to never chance for the better, it just gets worse. Anyway, its not all bad. At lease I'm working and in good health. I hope and pray everyone out there stays safe and well. My prayers for all of you beric h with family and keep distance from others. 'MAY GOD BEST.'