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Sunday, December 9, 2018


Well, here we are the end of another year. It seems the year flew so fast. Now 2019 is knocking at our door. When we were young it took forever for the year to go by and the presents under the tree took at Christmas was only a way for the time to go by in slow motion. Now as adults it goes so fast and all the Hussle and bustle seems to come over night.
     Those of us that have to watch our weight look at all the food, candy, cookies and other goodies at the parties we attend and we somehow use our logic to tell ourselves, "Oh well, we can work it off. Its' only a couple of pounds!"
     That's what the holidays are. A celebration of  friends, family, and the children. It say goodbye to the end of another year, and welcome in the new. Those that are religious celebrate the birth of our Jesus, and those that are of other faiths have their own personal celebration.
     No matter what you believe, I think most of us are happy to see another year under our belt and welcome the new year to make changes in our lives. To look forward to making some type of change that we didn't get to make in the year and look forward to working on letting the past go, to take one day at a time, and to reflect on what we have.
     For my readers I trust you have a Happy Holiday and remember to take time for yourself.
                                                        Happy Holidays to everyone and
                                                                      May God Bless!

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