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Sunday, July 28, 2019


This are what the dictonary has as a Explanation:Depression

Medical condition
            Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression, including the following: Abuse. Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can increase the vulnerability to clinical depression later in life.
Certain medications.

Feelings of severe despondency and dejection, "self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"


Common symptoms include: sadness, tiredness, trouble focusing or concentrating, unhappiness, anger, irritability, frustration, loss of interest in pleasurable or fun activities sleep issues (too much or too little), no energy, craving unhealthy foods, anxiety,

           synonyms: melancholy · misery · sadness · unhappiness · sorrow · woe · gloom · gloominess · dejection · downheartedness · despondency · dispiritedness · low spirits · heavy-heartedness · moroseness · discouragement · despair · desolation · dolefulness · moodiness · pessimism · hopelessness · the slough of despond · upset · tearfulness · the dumps · the doldrums · the blues · one's black dog · a low · the blahs · a funk · a blue funk · the mopes · clinical depression · endogenous depression · reactive depression · postnatal depression · dysthymia · melancholia · dolor · the megrims · mopery · disconsolateness · disconsolation.

             Antonyms:cheerfulness psychiatry a mental condition characterized by feelings of severe despondency and dejection, typically also with feelings of inadequacy and guilt, often accompanied by lack of energy and disturbance of appetite and sleep.

            A long and severe recession in an economy or market."the depression in the housing market"synonyms: recession · slump · decline · downturn · slowdown · standstill · paralysis · inactivity · stagnation · credit crunch · credit squeeze · hard times · bad times · stag flation 
           Antonyms: (the Depression the Great Depression) the financial and industrial slump of 1929 and subsequent years.
              The action of lowering something or pressing something down.
               "depression of the plunger delivers two units of insulin" a sunken place or hollow on a surface. "the original shallow depressions were slowly converted to creeks"
synonyms: hollow · indentation · dent · dint · cavity · concavity · dip · pit · hole · Mpothole · sink · sinkhole · excavation · trough · crater · valley · basin · bowl · fossa · lacuna 
antonyms: protuberance 
        Meteorology a region of lower atmospheric pressure, especially a cyclonic weather system. "hurricanes start off as loose regions of bad weather known as tropical depressions        
        But if we're talking about humans, there is several reasons that may cause us to fall into depression, so don't ignore your feelings.

        The death of a loved one, loss of a job or the ending of a relationship are difficult experiences for a person to endure. It is normal for feelings of sadness or grief to develop in response to such situations. Those experiencing loss often might describe themselves as being "depressed."But being sad is not the same as having depression. The grieving process is natural and unique to each individual and shares some of the same features of depression. Both grief and depression may involve intensive therapy.

       You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living. More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness and you can't simply "snap out" of it.

      SO If you think if you feel you might have depression, find a friend to talk to. Don’t feel like you have no options. Talking about the way you feel can help get whatever is bothering you out in the open. If this has been going on for a long time, seek the help you need from a therapist. It doesn’t mean you are crazy, just because you see a therapist, it just means you know you need help.

      I know first hand what depression can do, since I had cancer and the medications they put me on, well, I cry at the drop of a hat, go through anger episodes for no reason, complete shut down at times also. So remember some medications can cause depression also. You if you think it is your medication, call you doctor and discuss it with him or her. Don’t think you are tough enough to go it alone.
      There are several forms of depression not only in us, as I’ve pointed out in the above explanations.

      So till next week,                 MAY GOD BLESS.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Then and Now, have you ever stopped to think about what it was like for your parents when they grew up? How about when you grew up? To the life style of the children today compare it to when they growing up.

            I like to watch the old movies on TCM and I look at the fashion of the men and women. How different they are from today’s style and even different from when I was growing up. But the odd thing about fashion it is slowly reverts back to the style of the thirties and forties. The only thing different is nobody wears hats anymore.

            Even the advise we give our children has changed from when I grew up to the parents of today giving advise is very different. I remember my father telling me to always keep a dime in my shoe when I went out, then when I started dating he told me to keep a quarter in my shoe. There was payphones on every corner. Now there isn’t a payphone in sight.

            Today’s generation has a cell phone glued to their ear and a ipad glued to their fingers. Even their parents don’t buy the newspaper anymore. They go online and read the paper from their screens. Back in the old days the people depended on the newspaper for the news, weather, and the want ads for sales and jobs.

            Everything revolves around changes whether we want them or not. If we stomp are foot and say we aren’t interested in change, well we get left behind and all alone. Now don’t get me wrong, change is good, but sometimes change is very complicated, when the old days life was simpler and more direct.

            The younger generation will never know the simpler way of life and may look at the old black and white movies are being very silly and made to make people laugh. But those old black and white movies are what this nation was made from.

            Yes, there was out of work lines at the food banks when jobs couldn’t be found. Much like today, we have churches and shelters for the people who can’t find jobs. There is more opportunity now then back then.

            So if you are one to complain take a look at one of the old black and white movies and see basically what it was really like back then.