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Sunday, May 19, 2019



Let’s start with WISHES. When we are children we wish for so many things, like a new doll, or new bicycle, maybe a new catchers mitt. When we become a teenager, we wish for more flexability in our lives, to stay out later, have a girlfriend or boyfriend, have the best looking person in school ask us out. Now into our adult years we wish for a husband or wife, a child to love and watch grow. We wish for them to have a healthy life. And now you get the jest of wishes.

            But wait, what about the times you said something to someone that you WISHED you hadn’t said. Once you have said it, you can’t take it back. You come down with a fatal disease, you wish it hadn’t happened but now you have to deal with it, wishing it to go away doesn’t always work. Maybe you saw someone but never a said a word to this person. Now you wished you had said hello. Took the time to stop them and talked just a few minutes.

            PROMISES, have you made a promise lately? Has someone promised you something but didn’t follow through? Promises like when you marry, you make promises in your vows to love, honor, and cherish. How many times have you seen this promise go down the drain. How about when you were a child, you did something wrong? You promised your mom or dad you would never do it again. Did you keep that promise, or did it fall to the wayside also.

            We all make promises and I’d like to think we all keep our promises no matter how hard it might be. Promises shouldn’t be given out lightly for the breaking of a promise can be devastating to the person we made that promise too. Think the next time you are making a promise, is it something you really can keep? DON’T make a promise unless you really can follow through and keep that promise.

            PRAYER, we all have prayed for something one time or another. Only to be disappointed in our minds those prayers, never answered. Are you sure they weren’t answered? Maybe it just wasn’t the right time for those prayers to be answered. I know how impatient human beings are, I’m right with you. I prayer for answers to many questions and when I don’t get an immediate response I think maybe he didn’t hear me.

            So the next time your child wishes for something, or you, be patient. Next time you make a promise, make sure you keep it, unless there is no way you can keep it. Prayer? Don’t give up, sometimes it takes a while for a prayer to be answered. It depends on if the time is right for those prayers to be answered. Sometimes it is answered in a different way then we are expecting.

Talk to you next week, but I’m not promising!


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