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Sunday, November 18, 2018


Hello out there.
       I know I usually write something for the holidays but, lately it has been difficult to get around to writing my blog.
      Now here we are at another holiday. Thanksgiving, what does it mean to you? Having family and friends over for a large meal with all the trimmings? The football games? Family that you haven't seen since last year?
       Isn't it funny how time slips away so fast, we really have no idea where the time passed so quickly.
       In the past I know family of mine use to go around the table telling what they were thankful for. This was a great tradition to get into.
       My family are all out of town now and not close. So I reach out to friends to lay out a spread and show my appreciation for the holiday and knowing that friends can be counted on in a crunch if needed. 
       So all of my friends out there, while you're sitting down to a great feast, go around the table and tell each other what you are thankful for. You may be pleasantly surprised by some of the answers. Don't forget to included your children in this also.
        Well this blog is sort of short, but I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving, and May God Bless.

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